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Healix 180

Healix 180, a non-profit organization established by Catherine and India Oxenberg, is dedicated to fostering awareness of diverse healing modalities—both conventional and alternative—to address physical and mental trauma. Committed to providing valuable resources, the organization collaborates with healing professionals to offer a range of services to the community, spanning from traditional in-person therapy to innovative alternatives like ketamine therapy. Additionally, Healix 180 has initiated the Healix Immersion scholarship program, focusing on supporting women impacted by sexual assault through specialized healing opportunities.


Brand identity, illustrations, website design, social media, merchandise


I was tasked with leading the development and launch of Healix 180's visual brand identity. At the outset, the organization lacked a distinct visual presence, having only a clear vision of assisting others on their journeys. To realise this vision, I crafted and introduced a user-friendly website. This platform serves as a hub for various resources, comprising videos, news articles, studies, and programs, ensuring easy accessibility for viewers seeking support.


Crafting the visual identity for Healix 180 required a blend of friendliness, approachability, boldness, and distinctiveness. Inspired by insightful conversations with Catherine and India, as well as their healing journey involving natural psychedelics like mushrooms, I infused these elements into the design. The logo, mirroring mycology's growth pattern and interconnectedness, eschews sharp edges for a more inviting feel.

The illustrations for individual website pages embody the fluidity and bold aesthetic established by the logo. The landing page, featuring the compelling quote "turning kryptonite into gold - transforming unresolved trauma into trauma-informed growth," served as the muse for golden branches sprouting from the palm, symbolizing the transformative journey Healix 180 seeks to foster.


I've developed and crafted distinctive templates for Healix's social media accounts, seamlessly blending illustrations and imagery. These templates aim to highlight upcoming resources, products, and press releases. Although implementing this strategy is pending, it promises to elevate Healix's online presence.

Furthermore, I've taken the initiative to design and produce a monthly newsletter. This serves as a versatile communication tool, effectively sharing information across various channels and reinforcing the content launched on social media.


Collaborating with Catherine and India on Healix 180 proved a creative blessing. I enjoyed substantial creative autonomy in choosing colors, pairing typefaces, and creating illustrations. Providing them with the necessary tools to maintain the brand identity across all media and collateral was a fulfilling endeavor. I eagerly anticipate witnessing the trajectory of the Healix journey.

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